Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I took a long winter break but I am back now. And here is a list of awesome things that happened to me since I last wrote:
Lily Anne McLaughlin was born- Nov. 1, 2010 (my perfect niece)
Won $350 at the horse races
Got a show at SXSW
It's been a good time too for sinking into reflection. I was given two books this year that deal with identifying one's inner monologue and dealing with the many possible negative repercussions of yielding to such a thing. I find the topic intriguing but illusive.
One thing I've decided to get back into this year is- shape. Its been ok generally, God gives me grace in all my frivolous sugar consumption. I mean I've never been a terribly chubby girl, still I'm getting older now and its high time I lock into some kind of regimen. I have a gal pal who's goal is to run a 10k in April so we've decided to train together a few times a week. I realize that a 10k is the "least of these" compared to some ambitious marathon crazies, but it IS a start.
So besides the occasional few mile run I'm getting back into Yoga as well. I had a strange run with it at junior college a couple years ago. Oddly enough I had a very hostile instructor who spoiled my first real experience with such an otherwise peace giving practice. She was rotten alright. It's a boring story so I shant waste your brain space but I am better now and I still like yoga. I go to a spot in Redlands called The Yoga Room where the instructor is a boy named Daniel and he is amazing, and he makes me want to try, and he has nice muscles.
I am excited for SXSW. For those who don't know what it is- it's a week long film and music festival in Austin TX. I have wanted to play it for a few years and now i get to! I'm opening the night on Sat the 19th of March at the Hotel Cafe showcase. I'll be followed by awesomes such as Brett Dennon and Brooke Fraser. I am thrilled. I'll do my very best to stick to my blogging guns and document to the best of my ability. I bought myself an HD camera this Christmas so, you know, look out.
Ok that's all I want to write right now. Thank you for lending my your brain. Check out new show dates and whatnot.
Bless your souls.